Cuomujiacuo in Gamba County, Shigatse

Chinese Name: 措姆加措
English Name: Cuomujiacuo
Location: Located in the southwest of Kamba County, Shigatse
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

Cuomujiacuo is also called “labu sangcuo(拉布桑措)”, meaning “Baijian lake(拜见湖)” and “Zhaokan lake(照看湖)”. It is said that the lake worshiper can see his own future, hence the name. Cuomujiacuo is located in the southwest of Kamba County in Xigaze area, and it is now regarded as the “sacred lake”. There is a natural pasture on the lakeside.

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Shigatse to Kamba County, then transfer a local mini bus to Cuomujiacuo.

Attraction Travel Tips:
· Take good care of the natural environment.
· Pay attention to respect the local custom.
· 1 – 2 hours travel.
· Best season to travel: all the year round.