Qamdo Transportation – By Long Distance Bus

Qamdo transportation by long-distance bus is supported by major bus stations in Qamdo. There are long-distance buses from Qamdo Bus Station to Chengdu, Lhasa, Markam, Zayu, Nagqu, Nyingchi, Bome and other places.

Major Qamdo Bus Stations

There are three major bus stations in Qamdo, namely, Qamdo Bus Station, Baxoi Bus Station and Markam Bus Station. The three bus stations are all located on the No. 318 National Highway, which is convenient for passengers to travel between Yunnan and Tibet. At the same time, Changdu has long-distance buses to and from Qamdo and Lhasa. Qamdo has a journey of more than 1,200 kilometers to and from Chengdu, with about three days and two nights of driving, and there are two to three bus shifts per week. Qamdo is 1,000 kilometers away from Lhasa. Due to poor road conditions, it takes about four days and three nights of driving.

  • Qamdo Bus Station 昌都客运站
    Bus Schedules to: Baxoi, Zogang, Yanjing, Markam, Nagqu, Bayi, Chengdu and Lhasa. 
    Address: No. 317 National Highway, Qamdo (near the Public Security Bureau)  昌都地区昌都县317国道附近(靠近公安局)
  • Baxoi Bus Station 八宿客运站
    Bus Schedules to: Shangri-la, Bomê, Qamdo
    Address: Near No. 318 National Highway, Qamdo 昌都地区八宿县318国道附近
  • Markam Bus Station 芒康客运站
    Bus Schedules to:  Chengdu, Kunming, Nyingchi, Qamdo, Zogang, Dêqên,  Batang and Rawu
    Address: Near No. 318 National Highway, Markam County, Qamdo 昌都地区芒康县214国道附近

Qamdo Long-distance Bus Schedule

Departure Station Destination Departure Time Duration/Mileage (km) Fare(CNY)
Qamdo Bus Station Zogang 08:00 everyday 278km 65
Qamdo Bus Station Chengdu 11:00 everyday 3days and 2nights 450
Qamdo Bus Station Lhasa 09:00 (Mon, Wen, Fri) 4days and 3nights 280
Qamdo Bus Station Shangri-la Every other day 846km 350
Qamdo Bus Station Markam Round-trip schedule 440km /
Qamdo Bus Station Baxoi 08:00 everyday 265km 80
Qamdo Bus Station Yanjing 08:00 (Mon, Wen, Fri) 547km 135
Qamdo Bus Station Nagqu 08:20 (Mon, Wen, Fri) 736km 240
Qamdo Bus Station Bomê 09:00 (Mon, Thu) 485km 200

It is hard to list all the long-distance bus schedules from Qamdo. If you want the information about the bus schedules to cities and places in and out of Qamdo, please contact us, we will be pleasure to help.

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Other Tips

From Chengdu to Qamdo, you can take long-distance bus at Chengdu Xinnanmen Bus Station or Qamdo Hotel, with a journey of 3 days 2 nights, in case of road disruption, it may be longer; It is about 1000 kilometers from Qamdo to Lhasa, 4 days and 3 nights driving, coupled with poor road condition, the departure schedule is uncertain, if the number of passengers is more than 20, passengers can negotiate with the bus station for temporary departure. 

  • Chengdu Xinnanmen Bus Station成都新南门汽车站
    Address: No.2, Linjiang Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu成都市武侯区临江路2号
    Tel: 028-85442046
  • Chengdu Qamdo Hotel成都昌都宾馆
    Address: West Section of First-ring Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan四川省成都市武侯区一环路西段
    Tel: 028-85081403

Consultant Telephone of Qamdo bus station ticket office: 0895-4822793. Besides, the long-distance buses to and fro Qamdo and Markam depart on Monday and Friday. And there are daily buses to and fro Qamdo and Zhagyab.

Further Reading