Relics of Ancient Tombs in Bainang County, Shigatse

Chinese Name: 白朗古墓葬遗迹
English Name: Relics of Ancient Tombs in Bainang County
Location: Located in Bainang County, Shigatse
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

Relics of Ancient Tombs in Bainang County
On Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the ways of funeral mainly have pagoda burial(塔葬), celestial burial(天葬), cremation(火葬), water cremation(水葬) and earth burial(土葬), among which the earth burial(土葬) is relatively rare, according to Tibetan funeral customs, earth burial(土葬) is limited to use among the Tibetan royal family(藏族王室), infectious disease victims(传染病死者) or the criminals deceased(罪犯死者).

Taoxi Cemetery(滔溪墓地)
The cemetery is located in Jiebai Village(杰白村) of Qiangdui Township(强堆乡) in Bainang County, with an elevation of 3991 ~ 4009 meters. The cemetery has an area of about 240,000 square meters with 98 tombs. According to the tomb sealing soil shape, they can be divided into three types: circular mound(圆形丘状), trapezoidal(梯形覆斗状) and square(方形覆斗状); according to the tomb sealing soil quantity they can be divided into large, medium and small.

Guiran Cemetery(贵染墓地)
Guiran cemetery is located in Guiran Village(贵染自然村) of Duqiong Town(杜琼乡) in Bainang County. It is distributed from east to west, 4149 meters above sea level. The cemetery covers an area of 315 million square meters. Perhaps it is a traditional consciousness of Chinese people, whether ancient or modern peasants, earth land has always been an important productive resource for mankind. Perhaps it was a love affair with the land, this so large burial groups just lay on the side of the village, and it is surrounded by fields in the south, north and west . There are total 125 tombs in Guiran cemetery.

Gengben Youla Cemetery(更本由拉墓地)
The cemetery is located 200 meters south of Juejie Village(觉杰村) in Bainang County. It is 3,962 meters above sea level and covers an area of 12,000 square meters.

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Shigatse to Bainang County, then transfer a local mini bus to Relics of Ancient Tombs in Bainang County.
Attraction Travel Tips:
· pay attention to respect the local customs.
· 3 – 4 hours travel.
· best season to travel: all the year round.