Shenzha Zangbu Wetland in Xainza County, Nagqu

Chinese Name: 申扎藏布
English Name: Shenzha Zangbu Wetland
Location: Located in Xainza County, Nagqu
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All Day

About Shenzha Zangbu Wetland in Xainza County, Nagqu

Shenzha Zangbu Wetland is located in in Xainza County, Nagqu. It covers an area of 87 square kilometers. Shenzha Zangbu Wetland is the main habitat and breeding ground of Black necked Crane(黑颈鹤). Tibetan people call black-necked crane as zongzong(宗宗) which means swan. Black-necked crane is the only crane in the world which lives on the plateau. It’s also known as Tibetan cranes in the world. Because of the special life conditions, reproduction and low survival rate, black-necked crane is listed as endangered species.  There is a harmonious relationship between man and nature in this wetland. 

The black-necked crane(黑颈鹤) is a medium-sized crane in Asia that breeds on the Tibetan Plateau and remote parts of India and Bhutan. It is 139 cm (55 in) long with a 235 cm (7.8 ft) wingspan, and it weighs 5.5 kg (12 lbs). It is whitish-gray, with a black head, red crown patch, black upper neck and legs, and white patch to the rear of the eye. It has black primaries and secondaries. Both sexes are similar. Some populations are known to make seasonal movements. It is revered in Buddhist traditions and culturally protected across much of its range.

Attraction Transportation: 

The advanced traffic system provides visitors convenient ways to travel. Visitors can take bus or choose self-driving. On account of snow and occasional road accidents, highway closures and concomitant traffic delays are not uncommon.

Attraction Tips: 
• Traveling Hours: 2 or 3 hours
• Traveling Seasons: All seasons
• High Altitude Sickness Avoiding: Bring enough water or drinks, fruits and snacks with high caloric content
• Bring a good, broad spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF factor and a high SPF lip sunscreen to protect your lips too.
• Please don’t hang flags in republic place.
• Located in the border area, you must behave ourselves well.
• Ask for permission before taking photos for Tibetan people.
• Don’t touch Tibetan’s head and shoulder.