Taiyuan-Lhasa Trains

Travel Between Taiyuan and Lhasa by train is available for tourists. Lhasa located  in the central part of the Tibetan plateau, north of the Himalayas, the mid-stream valley plain of the Lhasa river, Lhasa is the political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational center of Tibet. Taiyuan is the capital and largest city of Shanxi province, it was the capital or provisional capital of many dynasties in China. Lhasa lies about 3118 km away from Taiyuan, tourists can get to Lhasa from Taiyuan by train.

Train Stations

  • Taiyuan Railway Station太原火车站
    Address: No. 2 Jianshe South Road, Yingze District, Taiyuan City 太原市迎泽区建设南路2号
    Tel: 0351-2233 611
    How to Get There: Take taxi, City bus
  • Lhasa Railway Station拉萨火车站
    Address: Tongzhan Road, Duilong Deqing District, Lhasa City 拉萨市堆龙德庆区通站路
    Tel: 0891-6756 221
    How to Get There: Take taxi, City bus 

Taiyuan – Lhasa Train Schedule

There is 1 train available every day from Taiyuan Railway Station (太原火车站) to Lhasa Railway Station (拉萨火车站). It requires about 36 hours for a one-way trip. It is an ideal choice for budget travelers.

Train Number Departure Station Departure Time Arrival Station Arrival Time Duration Price
Z21 Taiyuan Railway Station 00:25 Lhasa
Railway Station
(The Second Day)
36h20m Soft Sleeper: 1046 CNY
Hard Sleeper: 660 CNY
Hard Seat: 323 CNY

Lhasa – Taiyuan Train Schedules

There is 1 train available every day from Lhasa Railway Station (拉萨火车站) to Taiyuan Railway Station (太原火车站). It requires about 36 hours for a one-way trip. It is an ideal choice for budget travelers.

Train Number Departure Station Departure Time Arrival Station Arrival Time Duration Price
Z21 Lhasa
Railway Station
15:50 Taiyuan Railway Station 03:54
(The Third Day)
36h04m Soft Sleeper: 1046 CNY
Hard Sleeper: 660 CNY
Hard Seat: 323 CNY


1. The above information is for reference, if any change is based on actual information.

2. If you wan to book ticket and arrange a Taiyuan-Lhasa tour, please contact us, Email: contact@MysteriousTibet.com; Tel: +86-871-63511469.