Xiongba Laqu Shenshui Holiday Resort in Doilungdeqen District, Lhasa

Chinese Name: 拉萨雄巴拉曲神水度假村
English Name: Xiongba Laqu Shenshui Holiday Resort
Location: Located in Doilungdeqen District, Lhasa
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

About Xiongba Laqu Shenshui
Xiongba Laqu Shenshui Holiday Resort is in the center of Sema Village(色玛村) in Naiqiong Town(乃琼镇) about 15 kilometers west of the Potala Palace, just three kilometers from the Lagong highway(拉贡公路).

History of Xiongba Laqu Shenshui
According to the record in the book Wubu Yijiao(五部遗教): in the eighth century, one day, Master Padmasambhava(莲花生大师) passed by the Xiongbala region(雄巴拉地区), seeing that, there was no drinking water for the people, then he used his Buddhism magic to dig a hole in the ground with his Buddha battle(佛仗) and said to them: “God spring is coming”. From then on, people referred to this place as the “Xiongba Laqu(雄巴拉曲)” meaning the holy water in the basin.

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Lhasa to Doilungdeqen District, then transfer a local mini bus to Xiongba Laqu Shenshui Holiday Resort.
Attraction Travel Tips:
· pay attention to respect the local customs.
· 2 – 3 hours travel.
· best season to travel: all the year round.