Tibet Mount Everest Travel Weather and Climate in August

Tibet Mount Everest Weather and Climate in August

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): 5
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 22
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 240

The wettest month of the year at EBC, August is often too wet and cloudy to visit EBC and the mountain to get good views of the summit. The wetter monsoon weather from the Indian Monsoon covers the mountain’s high peak with clouds for most of the month, making it impossible to see, or to guarantee a good view.

What to Wear for an August Tibet Mount Everest Travel

When you travel to Tibet, dress for the big night temperature drop with a T-shirts, trousers, a jacket, good water resistant shoes and rain gear. Cover up to prevent sunburn, and sun hats and sunglasses help. Bring a heavy coat and gloves when you go to higher elevations.

Useful Travel Tips for your Tibet Mount Everest Travel in August

  • With such a varied climate around the year, travel to EBC is something that does require careful planning in terms of making sure that your packing is right for the time of year. 
  • There are some medications for altitude sickness available, but you should consult your own doctor before you take them, and it is not recommended.
  • Tibet Travel Permit: This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is required for all international travelers heading for Tibet. You need to apply for this permit one month prior to your arrival in Tibet as this permit takes some time to get ready and you need to produce the original copy of this permit at the Airport before you board the flight. 
  • Take a large backpack, a small bag and a waist bag is enough. Bigger backpack will be a wise option as it will be unable to keep clothes and will be easy to carry as the path is not that smooth to walk. The small bag will be usable to carry the things for daily use, such as hand towels, toiletries, etc., while the waist bag will be useful to carry some small and important things such as your passport and documents, cellphone, etc.
  • Oxygen levels are much lower in Tibet, so most people get altitude sickness. Cardiovascular conditions are exacerbated, so for the best experience, seek health advice before going and acclimate before exertion or going higher than Lhasa. 

Things to see and do at Tibet Mount Everest in August

August is one of the best months to go to southern attractions such as Shigatse and other attractions along the Friendship Highway (G 318). It is also one of the best months for the high elevation areas in the north of Lhasa because it is warm. However, it isn’t a good month for hiking or sightseeing at Mt. Everest due to the heavy rain and snow. The further you travel away from Lhasa to the west and the north, the colder and harsher it is.

Mount Everest Weather and Climate by Month

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