Sanga Monstery in Dagze County, Lhasa

Chinese Name: 达孜县桑阿寺
English Name: Sanga Monstery
Location: Located in Dagze County, Lhasa
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

Sanga Monstery in Dagze County, Lhasa
Sanga Monstery, about 20 km from Lhasa, is located in the old city center of Dagze County. It was founded by Tsongkhapa(宗喀巴) in AD 1419, with a history of 587 years, belonging to the Gelu Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. According to the religious tradition, it is under the jurisdiction of the Gandan monastery(甘丹寺). The temple covers an area of about 15.27 mu, with a building area of 23,43.8 cubic meters with a total number of 33 monks. In recent years, there are more and more tourists coming to visit.

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Lhasa to Dagze County, then transfer a local mini bus to Sanga Monstery.
Attraction Travel Tips:
· pay attention to respect the local customs in Sanga Monstery.
· 1-2 hours travel.
· best season to travel: all the year round.